Sunday, February 28, 2010

Things Are Looking Up!

We ended last night on how I must, in every way, blew my chances with Leighton Sekemoto. Well, I guess it's a good thing. He has a son. I don't think I can handle a kid in my life right now.

The recent bonus gave me the chance to buy a telescope. I love stars. Stars make me happy.

I also have enough to build four walls and a roof! I don't call it a house. You see, my dear friends, this is not a house, it's a shanty.

Better than nothing I guess. That same day, I got promoted to a Paremedic. Yes! At least, some form of excitement in my life. Just imagine the adrenaline rush I would feel when a dying sim's life is in my hands. And it's up to me if he lives or dies. Bwahahaha.

I decided to stargaze when I get home so in that way, I get to have fun and work at my logic skill at the same time. It's a good thing I did. Look at what I found.

At first it was just a space rock. Nothing special. But after close examination, I found it to be worth more. I was right. Tadah!

I was able to add a room. At least now my bathroom will be separate from the rest of house. Oh and see that? I now have a refrigerator and a sink. I'm well on my way! :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Donating Organs

Hey everyone. It's me again Sarah Parker. It's my second day here in the beautiful Sunset Valley and the first day of the rest of my life. I start work today as an Organ Donor. I hope I don't stay too long. There's only a limited supply of organs a Sim body can donate.

Running late to work! Yes! Yes! I'm coming! I just have to change into my sweats.

My clothes got wet so I decided to leave work in a swimsuit. It's fine when I have a slammin' body! :D I eventually changed into my air dried clothes and read a book by the sidewalk. Just one of the things I like to do.

Oh, did I mention I also like sitting on benches? I actually spent the whole day after work sitting on a bench. And well that and talking to myself. I find it releasing. People say I'm crazy but it helps me calm down.

Give me a break! I just donated almost half of my liver and you expect me to insane. That's crazy talk!

The next day was just like any other day. I woke up and rummaged through the trash in my underwear. There's nothing new about that.

I went to work as usual. I was thinking, "I better get promoted soon. I don't think I can undergo the stress of another operating table." At work, I spent the day getting to know my new co-workers. Good thing I did. I got promoted to Bed Pan Cleaner. It's still a disgusting job but at least they won't be cutting into me anymore.

After work and after a shower, I decided to hit the bookstore for a new logic book. I've finished my first one and it's useless now.

I got to it right away. I also met a guy. His name is Leighton Sekemoto.
He's really a nice guy. He's a single father working as Toddler Sports Coach or something like that. I wasn't really paying any attention. He has the dreamiest eyes I've ever seen. We seemed to hit it off.
But I think I was little sleep deprived so I guess the crazy just came out of me.

Here I am calling him a "a piece of worthless garbage". Great going Sarah. Cussing in front of his son. How will I ever find love in this town?

First Day in Sunset Valley

Hi! I'm Sarah Parker. I'm twenty two and I'm excited to pursue a Medical Career. I wonder what kind of mansion I'm going to live in. I found out from my Grandma that we have property in Sunset Valley, somewhere on the hillside. She even told me, it was right between houses of two of the most famous families in Sim Universe, The Landgraabs and the Altos.

Okay. I don't see anything. Is this the right address? Where's the mansion?

Is it here?

Where is it? Don't tell me it's in the trash? Oh. This is it? A trash can and a mailbox? Geez Louise! They could've warned me. Oh well, better make use of this 1,800 simoleons left.

Looking for a job.

Oh I have to have a job right? Good thing newspapers in Sunset Valley are free. Oh there's a job in my field. An Organ Donor? Great. Got to start somewhere.

My first day in Sunset Valley, I decided to visit the public library. After all I'm a bookworm. Being with books are like being at home. I read my first skill book in Logic that day. One of the required skills in the job.

Oh, I just love being in the library. I miss being back home. Back in our Pleasantview mansion, we have a private library much bigger than this one with an extensive reading collection. But this library isn't that bad. In fact,


There's this total hottie sitting right next to me! Too bad I didn't get to know him. By the time I finished my book, he was long gone.

It's getting late. I better get home to my big piece of grassland. I dropped by the furniture store and got me a bed and a shower. Hygiene is very important in the medical field.

Voila! Home Sweet Home! :) Good night everyone, tomorrow is a big day.

Meet Sarah Parker

To kick things off, let me introduce Sarah Parker.

Our Founder
Sarah Parker is a frugal, insane, flirty, bookworm and a genius. And the insane trait is what the next generation of Parkers will inherit.

Sarah Parker wishes to be a world renowned surgeon. Her favorite food is Tri tip Steak, her favorite music is Pop and her favorite color is blue.

Sarah Parker is from Pleasantview. She is the only daughter of the Parkers. Her father is a rock star and a her mother is an illustrious author. Having two famous parents and growing up in the spotlight has made Sarah quite the town loony. She moved to Sunset Valley to get away from her parents' shadows and the townsfolk judging eyes because all she wanted to be in the whole world is a doctor. Her parents wanted her to pursue a career in Business so she could manage their affairs and estate but she refused to do so. Her parents also refuse to support Sarah's dream. Sarah opted to run away and she did. She ran away to Sunset Valley. Now that she's on her own, she has to find a job, make friends, meet the perfect guy and settle down. With barely a penny to survive, will she be able to reach her goals and finally prove to her parents that she made the right choice?